Our Firm
Jennifer Nicholson
Susie Meyer
Cynthia Barker
Laura Kowalewich
Amarylis Yang
Our Philanthropy
Wealth Management
Legacy & Consulting
Risk Assessment
Our Firm
Jennifer Nicholson
Susie Meyer
Cynthia Barker
Laura Kowalewich
Amarylis Yang
Our Philanthropy
Wealth Management
Legacy & Consulting
Risk Assessment
Wealth Management
Legacy & Consulting
Risk Assessment
Client Name
First Name
Last Name
What is your current age?
Less than 40
40 to 55
55 to 70
Older than 71
What is your goal for this portfolio?
To grow aggressively
To grow moderately
To grow with caution
To avoid losing money
When do you expect to start drawing income from this portfolio?
Not for at least 20 years
In 10 to 20 years
Not now, but within the next 3 to 10 years
Currently withdrawing or in the next 3 years.
With the income generated from your portfolio, over the next 5 years you plan to:
Keep income in the portfolio to be reinvested
Withdrawal some income and reinvest the rest
Use income for special projects
Use it all for living expenses
In five years, how do you expect your standard of living to compare to what it is today?
Substantially greater than it is today
Somewhat higher than it is today
The same as it is today
Less than it is today
How optimistic are you about the long-term (10-15 year) prospects for the US Economy?
Very Optimistic
Somewhat Optimistic
Somewhat Pessimistic
Very Pessimistic
If the market were to suddenly experience a short-term decline of 15%, which would best describe your reaction?
I don’t actively watch the market and wouldn’t be aware of the decline
Because I have a long-term view, I would not be concerned with a short-term decline
Although I have a long-term view, even a temporary decline of 15% would concern me
I would be very concerned because I can’t tolerate large fluctuations in my portfolio
In general, how would your best friend describe you as a risk taker?
A real gambler
Willing to take risks after completing adequate research
A real risk avoider
Thank you!